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Approved Classes

Florida DCF Approved Parenting Classes, Click the button below to enroll.

C.A.R.I.B.E. Internship Program

This is a program designed to prepare mental health therapists and counselors with the adequate tools to be successful in the work environment. The program supports three tiers that an applicant may enter the program. Each tier support persons who desire to work in the human service field but lack the documented experience to further their career goals.

Tier I –Applicant must possess a Bachelor’s Degree.

One or more years working directly with children and families in social service arena.

Program lasts nine months.

Upon completion of course client will be a certified CFARS/FARS Rater, obtain certificate of completion of course ”Effective Counseling and Mental Health Therapy” course and be recognized as a Bachelor Level Counselor.

Must provide college transcripts.

Level II Background screening required.

Fee is required.

Tier II- Applicant must possess a Bachelor’s Degree in a Human Service Field (Psychology, Counseling, Social Work etc.)

Two or more years working directly with children and families in social service arena.

Currently enrolled as a graduate student in a human services field of study. (Guidelines from enrolled College or University dictate program length. The average length is six months.) Applicant is supervised by a Licensed Practitioner of the Healing Arts (LCSW,LMFT,LMHC)

Upon completion of course client will be a certified CFARS/FARS Rater.

Must provide college transcripts.

Level II Background screening required

Fee is required

Tier III- Applicant must possess a Master’s Degree in a Human Service Field (Psychology, Counseling, Social Work etc.)

Three or more years working as a mental health counselor or therapist seeking licensure by the state of Florida for clinical social work or mental health counselor tract.

Must be a registered intern with the state of Florida providing proper documentation and related forms.

Must provide college transcripts.

Applicant is supervised by a Licensed Practitioner of the Healing Arts (LCSW,LMHC) who is a Qualified Clinical Supervisor registered with the state of Florida.

Upon completion of course client will be a certified CFARS/FARS Rater.

Level II Background screening required

 C.A.R.I.B.E. Therapeutic/Tutoring Program

This program is part of the educational initiative “Adopt a School Program” in which the organization may choose a high school or middle school each year as the focal point and will take referrals form outside entities and agencies.

C.A.R.I.B.E. is the synonym for the “Constant Act of Redirecting Behavior Effectively”. The target population for this program are children between the ages 6-18 years. The organization may receive referrals from community or school social workers, guardian at litem, counselors or parents/guardians. Each parent/guardian must fill out a C.A.R.I.B.E. application prior to the child’s enrollment in the program.

The organization utilizes professionals with expertise and knowledge in counseling, education and therapy to work in this program.  All tutors and therapists are subject to background checks.

Currently, we provide the following services:

  • Individual, family and/or group counseling

  • Mentoring

  • Tutoring

The Charity Letter Program

The Charity Letter Program is designed specifically for persons who are uninsured or underinsured requiring the need for health care services. This program works closely with Federally Qualified Health Centers (Section 330 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act 42 United States Code Section 254a) that provide preventative healthcare services to qualified persons. The Federally Qualified Health Centers are provided oversight by the Bureau of Primary Health Care and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.


The Community Resource Center provides charity letters for persons that meet specific criteria and must provide specific documentation to qualify for the program. Each applicant must provide a verified income or supported verified income (i.e. pay check, unemployment compensation, SSI/SSDI/SSA income, U.S. bank deposit statement, ACCESS Award Letter).This statement is used to qualify the person of income or a supported income by a spouse, family member or friend.

If none of these apply to the applicant than zero income letter may be generated by Community Resource Center and the letter must be notarized. The Community Resource Center will provide the zero income letter for its patrons.

Each applicant: Must reside in the state of Florida and possess one of these acceptable forms of identification:

U.S. State issued photo Identification

U.S. issued Military identification

U.S. Resident card

U.S. Employment Authorization Card

Valid Passport, or Passport Card.

For students, an acceptable form of identification may be a school issued photo identification card.

The applicant requiring the Charity Letter must be present to receive the document.

The Community Resource Center charges a nominal processing fee for the application processing.

What to bring: I.D., income verification and application fee.

Please call for an appointment or if you have any further questions at 407 473-7616.

White Structure

Kreyol Lekol Program

The Kreyol Lekol Program is an excellent educational program that bridges the gap between the Haitian/Creole and American cultures. This is done by providing beneficial instructional services to assist the Haitian population while maintain cultural sensitivity.

The Kreyol Lekol Program provides language interpretations for our clients that have difficulty speaking and understanding the English language. Some of the assessments include Medical Histories/Physicals, Bio-Psychosocials, Needs Assessments, Psychiatric Evaluations, and Comprehensive Behavioral Health Assessments.

In addition, our program provides Haitian/Creole-instructional courses for clients that require Parenting and Anger Management classes. We believe that our clients retain more information when they are educated in their natural language.


As well as provide transcription of documents from English to Creole and vice versa. 

Teen Dream - Teen Pregnancy Awareness Program


This program is part of the educational initiative “Adopt a School Program” in which the organization will choose a high school or middle school each year as the focal point.

Forums will be set up in community settings.  Team Dream takes a proactive look at the preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy.

The program will involve proactive groups for additional support and expertise in reaching this targeted group.


Teen pregnancy forums will take place in May mirroring National Teen Pregnancy Awareness Month.

Community Service Center Services List

Therapeutic Counseling Services

Parenting Classes

Anger Management Classes

Charity Letter Program

Food Assistance Access Program

Medicaid-Cash Assistance-Food Stamps

Volunteer Program-VIP

General Health Insurance

Voter Registration

4-C Child Care Assistance

Case Management


Bebe Kreyol Program

The Bebe Kreyol Program is one of our newest programs of Caribbean Community Connection of Orlando,Inc.

In keeping abreast of the changing trends within the Caribbean Community this agency decided to act upon the needs of a vulnerable population. The Bebe Kreyol Program is designed to provide support of Haitian Entrants and newly arrived Haitian Immigrants who struggle with basic infant items for their children such as diapers, wipes and clothing.

The Bebe Kreyol Program supplies will be available Tuesday and Wednesday from 11am-2pm.  Each participant must call any of the three numbers listed below to make an appointment prior to coming to the warehouse.

English Speakers - Maureen Chance      407-473-7616

Creole Speakers -  Fabiola Loristin          407-706-9506

Spanish Speakers - Anjiro Gabriel           407-473-1442

This agency has gone one step further by providing communication in three languages for assistance English, Creole and Spanish. 

Caribbean Community Connection of Orlando, Inc.

"An Educated Community is a Proactive Community."

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